Biden Administration Targets Kidney Transplants in Equity Agenda


The Biden administration has introduced a controversial plan that aims to prioritize low-income patients for kidney transplants, a move Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra says is intended to address racial inequities in the transplant process.

This initiative is part of President Biden's broader "equity agenda," which seeks to rectify disparities across various sectors, including healthcare.

Unveiled on May 8, 2024, the proposal involves a pilot program that will place 90 of the nation’s 257 transplant hospitals into an annual point-based system. Each successful kidney transplant will earn the hospital one point, but transplants for low-income patients will be weighted more heavily, earning 1.2 points due to a "health equity performance adjustment." Hospitals meeting their transplant quotas under this system can receive up to $8,000 per transplant, while those failing to meet their quotas may be fined up to $2,000 per transplant.

Becerra emphasized that while the system categorizes patients by income rather than race, the goal is to mitigate racial disparities. Black Americans, who disproportionately suffer from kidney disease, receive a smaller percentage of kidney transplants compared to other demographics. The Biden administration believes that by adjusting how transplants are prioritized, they can make the process more equitable.

Critics of the proposal argue that it indirectly uses race as a criterion and could lead to unintended consequences.

Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, a former associate dean at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, expressed concerns that the program could either fail entirely or inadvertently prioritize race over medical need. He suggested that factors like patient willingness to pursue transplants and family willingness to donate organs might not be adequately addressed by the proposed system.

The plan has sparked significant debate within the medical community and beyond. Proponents argue that it is a necessary step toward achieving healthcare equity, while opponents worry it could compromise the fairness of the transplant system. The program is expected to begin as early as January 2025 if finalized.

This latest move is part of Biden's broader push for equity across various federal programs and policies, continuing efforts initiated by an executive order signed shortly after he took office in January 2021.


  1. F your equity. Take race out of it. Transplant’s should only go to productive people, those that contribute to society, not take from it. And no illegal’s. Every time they get one, someone probably more deserving get’s bumped down the list. We aren’t the Worlds fixers.


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